
中文版 English 大学主页

关于西澳大学Tyrone FERNANDO教授学术报告的通知


报告题目:Functional Observers and its Applications
报告人:Prof.Tyrone FERNANDO

:The design of a minimum-order linear functional observer for linear time-invariant systems has been an open problem for over four decades. In this presentation I will outline a solution to this problem. I will also introduce the concept of Functional Observability/Detectability and show that the well-known concept of Observability/Detectability is only a special case of Functional Observability/Detectability. Examples of how to design Functional Observers when the pair (A,C) is not Observable/Detectable will be shown. I will also discuss briefly the application of Functional observers to the Load Frequency control problem in power systems.

报告人简 :Professor Tyrone Fernando obtained his bachelor of engineering with honours and the degree of doctor of philosophy from the University of Melbourne in 1990 and 1996 respectively. In 1996 he joined the University of Western Australia, School of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering (EECE) where he is currently a Professor. He was the Deputy Head of School in 2009 and 2010. He has also been the chair of EECE Teaching and Learning committee for three consecutive years from 2008-2010. His research interests are in control theory and application of control theory to smart grids, power systems and biomedical engineering. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine and also as guest editor for the journal of Optimal Control Applications and Methods. Professor Fernando is a senior member of IEEE


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