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IEEE 智能电网期刊(IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid)征文


 IEEE 智能电网期刊(IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid)征文



建设坚强智能电网已经被中国政府列为十二五计划的目标之一。2010年,作为世界最大的电力公司中国国家电网(SGCC)宣布在2011年至2015年间投资2500亿美元升级电力基础设施,其中450亿美元将用于智能电网技术的研究。在20162020年之间,将有另外2400亿美元追加投资到智能电网项目中。中国南方电网作为中国另一家国有电力公司也于2011年启动了一项关于智能电网的实施计划,旨在未来10年内建成一个智能、高效、可靠、绿色的电网。中国政府的最终目标是建成一个坚强国家智能电网,实现可再生能源向负荷中心的远距离输电。除了变电站和配电系统的研究进展之外,特高压输电(1000千伏交流和±800千伏直流) 是中国智能电网定义和发展区别于其他国家的一个显著特征。在这期特刊中,我们将邀请原创和未发表的论文,讨论中国新的智能电网理论、技术,所面临的挑战,以及现有的成果。智能电网项目效益评价,展示及实际操作经验,有关政策讨论等方向的论文也将被考虑发表。本期刊预计2013年底SCI全文检索。


·       特高压电力系统的规划与运营

·       柔性交流输电(FACTS)和高压直流输电(HVDC)技术

·       智能变电站和智能电力调度

·       智能电网中的能源管理与控制

·       可再生能源、电动汽车及能源存储设备的并网技术

·       大范围电力系统建模与控制

·       智能电表设施及用户侧规划

·       智能电网通信与信息系统

·       微电网(Microgrids)技术

·       中国智能电网的规范与标准

·       中国智能电网示范工程及大规模演示的经验

第一轮审稿,作者提交一份2页扩展摘要。被接受的摘要将被邀请提交全文论文,参加第二轮审稿。投稿的内容与格式请参考IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid投稿须知(http://www.ieee-pes.org/publications/information-for-authors)。摘要(PDF文件)和投稿信(包括作者的联系信息)请发送至王剑辉博士的电子邮箱jianhui.wang@anl.gov<mailto:jianhui.wang@anl.gov>








王剑辉(特邀主编),美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory, USA
杜鹏伟(特邀编委),美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
倪明(特邀编委),  中国国家电网电力科学研究院(南瑞集团)
Mohammad Shahidehpour, IEEE智能电网期刊(IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid)主编, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Call for Papers – IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Special Issue on
"Smart Grid Technologies and Development in China"

“Building a strong smart grid” has been listed as one of the goals in the Chinese government’s Nation Twelfth Five-Year Plan. In 2010, as world’s largest utility, the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), announced plans to invest $250 billion in electric power infrastructure upgrades between 2011 and 2015, among which $45 billion is earmarked for smart grid technologies. Another $240 billion between 2016 and 2020 will be added to complete the smart grid projects. China’s another national utility-China Southern Power Grid, also launched its smart grid roadmap in 2011 to build a smart, efficient, reliable, and green grid in next 10 years. Ultimately, the goal of the Chinese government is to build a strong national smart grid capable of transmitting power from conventional and renewable energy sources to the remote load centers. Besides the advances in substation and distribution systems, ultra-high voltage (1000kV AC and ±800kV DC) transmission is a salient feature in the Chinese smart grid definition and development compared to the other countries. In this special issue, we invite original and unpublished submissions discussing new smart grid theories, technologies, challenges, and products developed in China. Pilot projects, demonstration or field application experiences, discussions on policy issues and methods to evaluate the benefit brought by smart grid will also be given consideration for publication.
Topics of interest for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:

l  Power system planning and operation with ultra-high voltage transmission

l  Advanced FACTS and HVDC technologies

l  Smart substation and smart dispatch

l  Energy management and control for smart grid

l  Grid integration of renewable energy, electric vehicles and storages

l  Wide-area modeling and control

l  Smart metering infrastructure and demand-side programs

l  Communication and information systems for smart grid

l  Microgrids

l  Regulation and standards for smart grid in China

l  Performance and experiences from field tests and large-scale demonstrations in China
Two-page extended abstracts are solicited for the first round of review. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit the full papers in the second round. Authors should refer to the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid author guidelines at http://www.ieee-pes.org/publications/information-for-authors for information about contents and formatting of submissions. Please submit a PDF version of the abstracts including a cover letter with authors’ contact information to, Dr. Jianhui Wang, via e-mail at: jianhui.wang@anl.gov.
Important Dates
Aug. 1, 2013: Deadline for extended abstract submission
Oct. 1, 2013: Completion of first-round review
Mar. 1, 2014: Deadline for full paper submission
Nov. 1, 2014: Final decision notification
Dec. 1, 2014: Publication materials due
Guest Editorial Board
Yimin Wang (Guest Editor-in-Chief), State Grid Corporation of China, China
Jianhui Wang (Co- Guest Editor-in-Chief), Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Xuzhu Dong (Guest Editor), China Southern Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), China
Pengwei Du (Guest Editor), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Ming Ni (Guest Editor), State Grid EPRI (NARI Group), China
Chengshan Wang (Guest Editor), Tianjin University, China
Liangzhong Yao (Guest Editor), China EPRI, China
Boming Zhang (Guest Editor), Tsinghua University, China
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Mohammad Shahidehpour, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA






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