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    David Infield教授学术报告通知



    报告题目:Wind Energy Research at Strathclyde
    报告人:Professor David Infield, University of Strathclyde


    The lecture “Wind Energy Research at Strathclyde” will review the context for wind energy in the UK, explaining the key policy statements. Recent progress with both onshore and offshore wind in the UK will be reviewed. The organization of wind energy research will be described with emphasis on the Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind Energy Systems established in 2009. This will be followed by a description of recent research progress with three area of work: wind synthesis using de-trended VAR analysis; synthetic turbine inertia analysis and grid stability; wind turbine condition monitoring. The talk will conclude with a review of the challenge to power systems from high penetrations of wind, and some of the solutions being proposed.
    Lecturer’s Short Bio
    I have a joint Honours BA degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Lancaster, UK (1976) and a PhD in Applied Mathematics/Theoretical Physics from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
    I am a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Chartered Physicist (CPhys) and also a Senior Member of the IEEE.
    Research Background
    I lead the Renewable Energy Technology group within the cross campus Institute of Energy and Environment. The purpose is to bring together the considerable expertise at Strathclyde in these subjects. I am also Manager of Strathclyde's EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind Energy Systems. Until 2007 I was the Director of CREST (Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology) with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University. I have worked in the renewables sector since completing my PhD in 1978. During this time my research interests have ranged over solar thermal system design, wind energy systems and photovoltaics. A common theme has been the integration of renewable energy sources into electricity supply systems. I have published widely on these subjects (over 100 refereed papers) and my research is funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the UK DTI, Industry and the EU amongst others. In particular I am the consortium Principal Investigator for the EPSRC Supergen consortium project on highly distributed energy futures (HiDEF). I was the founding Editor in Chief and continue to run the now established IET Journal of Renewable Power Generation. I was the lead author of UKERC’s Road Map for Photovoltaics Research in the UK, and was responsible for UKERC's submissions on renewable energy to both the DTI Energy Review of 2006, and the more recent call for evidence from the Select Committee of Science and Technology. I am member of the EU Wind Technology Platform and an EPSRC College member. I was a lead author on the IPCC’s recent report on renewables and I’m presently involved in drafting their 5th report on climate change.
    My research interests are with electricity generation from renewable energy sources, in particular from wind and photovoltaics (PV), and the integration of these sources into electricity systems large and small. Associated with this central challenge I take an interest in energy storage technology and application, and increasingly demand side management such as available through controlled charging of electric vehicles.
    Specific areas of research related to wind energy that I'm presently active in include condition monitoring for large offshore turbines; drive train analysis with an emphasis on improving reliability; wind resource spatio-temporal modelling; and power system support services such as frequency support from wind turbines.
    1. Peng Guo, David Infield and Xiyun Yang; Wind Turbine Generator Condition Monitoring Using Temperature Trend Analysis; Technology to a Power System, accepted IEEE Trans. Sust. Energy.
    2. A. Zaher, S.D.J. McArthur, D.G. Infield, and Y. Patel; Online wind turbine fault detection through automated SCADA data analysis; Wind Energy, Volume 12 Issue 6, pp 574 – 593, 2009.
    3. Stephen, B., Galloway, S., McMillan, D., Hill, D. & Infield, D.; A copula model of wind turbine performance; May-2011, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 26, 2, p. 965-966.
    4. D. G. Infield;Renewable energy technology from underpinning physics to engineering application”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 105 (2008) 012006 (11pp).
    5. P. Guo and D. Infield; Wind Turbine Tower Vibration Modelling and Monitoring with Nonlinear State Estimation Technique (NSET); Energies 2012, 5, 1-x manuscripts; doi:10.3390/en40x000x
    6. J. Feuchtwang and D. Infield; Offshore wind turbine maintenance access; a closed form probabilistic method for calculating delays caused by sea-state; accepted by Wind Energy.
    7. D. Elliot and D. Infield; An Assessment of the Impact of Reduced Pre-averaging Time on Small Wind Turbine Power Curves, Energy Capture Predictions and Turbulence Intensity Measurements; accepted by Wind Energy.
    8. L. Wu and D. Infield; Towards an Assessment of Power System Frequency Support from Wind Plant – Modelling Aggregate Inertial Response; accepted by IEEE Trans Power Systems.
    9. Yue Wang and David Infield, SCADA Data Based Nonlinear State Estimation Technique for Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring, accepted by IET RPG on January 2013.


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